WORKSHOP Philippe CARRE (born in 1930)

Thursday 28 April 2022 14:00
Toulouse , 7, rue d'Astorg 31000 Toulouse
Sale information

Public Exhibitions:

Tuesday, April 26: 9am-12pm & 2-6pm

Wednesday April 27: 9am-12pm & 2-6pm

Wednesday, April 27 at 7pm: CONFERENCE: Philippe Carré & la Figuration Narrative - Animated by Maître Jacques RIVET

Thursday April 28th : 9am-11:30am

The works will be kept in the study until Tuesday May 3

They will then be, from Wednesday May 4th, in storage, at T.D.V.E, Sylvain DUCROCQ, 4 rue de Soyouz -31240 L'UNION (


The 70's, a new look at Narrative Figuration

The Figuration Narrative groups together artists from different countries who participate during this decade in the rebirth of figurative painting like Pop Art in the United States.

They find their inspiration in everyday life (television, comics, cinema, the press, current events) and put contemporary society and its images at the heart of their work. But they are different from American artists in their critical and political vision.

In the mid-sixties, Philippe Carré abandoned abstract painting and adhered to the new credo of this movement by creating figurative "relief panels". Made of cut out wooden plates, painted in acrylic, they brace and superimpose silhouetted characters and scenes taken from press photos, to represent in final compositions, the temporal and sequential dimension of a narrative in the manner of a comic strip or a film.

If Philippe Carré's paintings are works of communication and protest, they are also works of contemplation and representation.

Like his contemporaries of the Figuration Narrative, the subversive potential of Philippe Carré's works lies more in their aesthetic dimension, which runs counter to the didactic and militant inventory of Socialist Realism.


Philippe Carré was born in Paris in 1930.

After his military service, he studied in Paris with the fresco artist Robert Lesbounit and the sculptor Henri-George Adam.

From 1955 to 1961, he made stained glass windows in the Boudzen workshops in Arcueil. From 1965, he devoted himself to the scenography of several theatrical shows after having obtained the prize of the Biennale of Paris. In 1969, he opened in Arcueil, where he lived until 1981, a school for teaching drawing and painting.

He designed his first relief panels in the spirit of Narrative Figuration.

In 1976, he was appointed professor of plastic arts at the U.P. of Architecture in Bordeaux, where he taught until 1994.

Commissions realized in the framework of the 1% architectural

Mural paintings of the gymnasium of Arcueil in 1974, the Atom in Bitche (Moselle 1976), the sport in Vitry sur Seine in 1980.


From 1973 to 1979, in the main painting salons in Paris, Salon de la Jeune Peinture, de la Figuration Critique, d'Art Contemporain de Montrouge, Salon de Mai, ...

Sales conditions